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2016 Christmas Trip & Lunch

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Visiting Rimutaka Prison and the comments by the Prison official that recidivism by inmates is high, although would not or could not give us any figures, bought to mind the unfortunate fate of a very good NZ table tennis player.

Wayne Adamson was a very good junior and then senior player, but regrettably his life fell to pieces after a fracas, not entirely his fault but it led to his downfall. He was a great guy, helped other players, had a wonderful family and was popular among his many tt friends.

He always warmly greeted Jean & me when we met at NZ Championships etc and he helped and encouraged our son as he was climbing to be top junior.

Getting involved in the drug scene was disastrous and finally led to his incarceration in Paremoremo. His loyal friends and mates in TT visited him there and at one point put on a demonstration in TT for the inmates.

After his release he moved to Christchurch to turn his life around but alas it did not work out. He died in 2014, aged 59.

Such is the curse of drugs.

Whilst he was detained we corresponded briefly, when Wayne wrote me an outstanding letter and with his permission I published it in the TT magazine TTINFO I was producing at the time.

It is sad, encouraging and humorous. It can be read here.


page updated: 12-Nov-18

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