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Prizegiving 2014

Who else but Cheryl & Terry would organise such a nice Prizegiving morning. Even the weather  played ball - excuse the pun - tt one that is!

A hard copy of this page will be available at club for ordering hard copy pics,
or you can email rjradford@xtra.co.nz with your order. Quote your name, photo number and how many.


Norm Robinson (the presenter of prizes who seems to be in a lot of photos!) with

Alwyn Kelly
(Ladies Singles Plate winner)

Jude Gibson
(Ladies Singles winner)

Cheryl Ransom

(Ladies Singles Runner Up)

Robin Radford

(Open Singles Winner)

Helen Painter

(Ladies Singles Plate Runner Up)

Kaz Witko & Helen Painter

(Doubles Winners)

Terry Roche

(Open Singles Plate Winner)

Runner Up was Graeme Munro - absent)

Kaz Witko

(Open Singles Runner Up)


Cheryl Ransom

(Doubles Plate winner with Gay Kerr - absent)

Janet Shrive & Jeffrey Kidd

(Ladies & Mens Most Improved Players)
(Doubles Runners Up)

Jenny Turner

(Most Successful Ladies Interclub Player)
(Doubles Plate Runner up with Barbara Simmonds - absent)

Kevin Gardner

(Most Successful Mens Interclub Player)


The Organisers and Presenter

Terry Roche, Cheryl Ransom, Norm Robinson


  Well - look who has it.

Like the film stars - their "cloud" accounts hacked!!!!

A photo of Two Halves!


Don't look too closely - tried but the camera persons got it wrong!  Just proves photos can tell fibs!


page updated: 12-Nov-18