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50th Anniversary
Coaster by
Graeme Munro
Club Captain's Welcome  |  Club History  |  Toasts  |   Inaugural Meetings  |  Office Holders 

Jubilee Booklet: pages 1-29  |  paqes 30-57  |  pages 58-82


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The Club celebrated its 50th anniversary this year.

This memorable anniversary was celebrated with a special morning tea for current members on 21 June 2016, and a Jubilee lunch on Saturday 30 July at
the Porirua Club for existing members and past members who wished to attend.

At the luncheon Terry Roche presented the history of the club and listed the officers positions and years of service therein.

Other speakers Reminisced - Margaret Mason, Alison Burns, Pradip Manchanda, Bill Chaplin.

Cheryl Ransom acknowledged the help of several individuals and the various committees.

Toasts were proposed by Robin Radford to Cheryl Ransom, Terry Roche and the array of past officers and Committess over the past 50 years.

The day was expertly organised by Terry & Cheryl and the committee members.

(Hard copy photos available uncropped - ask Robin).

Registration team

Janet Shrive & Jeffery Kidd

L/R: Dennis Kelly, Alwyn Kelly, Elizabeth Rees, Gretchen Lash, David Lash,
Brenda Stickley, Robert Young

The Rafflers

Alwyn Kelly & Patsy Madigan

L/R: Aileen Scott, Graeme Bamford, Barbara Stone, Jeffrey Kidd, Janet Strive,
Kaz Witko, Dave Dunnett, Shirley Williamson

First & Current Club Captains

Margaret Mason & Cheryl Ransom

L/R: Eileen Gray, Rusty Norris, Jenny Norris, Peter Highsted,
Bryan Thomson, Pam Wynne-Jones, Dawn Page

Club Captains Welcome

L/R: Anita Bhasin, Norma Bremner, April Sullivan, Jean Atkins,
Helen Painter, Pradip Manchanda

Founding Club Captain 50 Years ago

Margaret Mason

L/R: Basil Mahan, Ron Hughes, Patsy Madigan, Carole Greenwood,
Pam Hughes, Pam Cassells

L/R: Margaret Hepworth, Velma Maunsell, Bill Chaplin, Dorothy Robinson, Cushla Cook,
Maureen Hodges, Joe ten Brooke

L/R: Edna Sheppard, Helen Greening, Jack Greening, Upali Salpadoru,
Elaine Varcoe, Avis Gardner, Kevin Gardner

First Prize Winner in Raffle

Shirley Williamson

L/R: Elizabeth Rees, Robin Radford, Jean Radford, Dorothy Woods,
Alison Burns,Tom Ranson, Barbara Haliburton

Second Prize in Raffle

Keith Rumens

L/R: Terry Roche, Cheryl Ransom, Margaret Mason, John van der Kaa, Noreen Richards,
Jill Purdie, Keith Rumens, Dot Cooper


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page updated: 09-Jun-22